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Egyptian Prints

Large Crocodile People on White Cotton Linen

Large Pyramid on Oyster Cotton Sateen

Medium Column on Oyster Cotton Sateen

Medium Falcon on White Cotton Linen

Small Griffin on Celedon Cotton Sateen

Small Ibis Sepia White Cotton Linen

There are six different pillow prints and they are sold in two sets of three.
$75 a set

Set I Prints
Large 30"x30" Pyramid
Medium 20"x20" Column
Small 14"x10" Griffin

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Set II Prints
Large 30"x30" Crocodile People
Medium 20"x20" Falcon
Small 14"x10" Ibis Bird

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Number of Sets

overall print         pillow print         border print

65 South Main Street       508-693-9044       Vineyard Haven       E-mail:info@lorraineparish.com
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