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The Historic Tree, one of the oldest trees on Martha's Vineyard, is my most beloved; the feeling is also shared by many others who love this place. A gradually falling oak that stands at the crossroads of North and West Tisbury Roads, I wanted to capture it in its final glory. Its graceful, fallen branch is what has always made it so unique and beautiful; to me it is an island icon that represents strength and endurance.

The Stone Wall Border represents the feeling of winter on Martha's Vineyard to me when the geese take to the pastures and the stone walls come clearly into view. The Beetlebung trees are at their most beautiful then, having shed their fall foliage, with their wind-swept grace revealed. I combined the three elements with a mirror image as if seeing their reflection from an Upland pond.


Historical Tree Prints         Egyptian Prints         Nautical Prints

65 South Main Street       508-693-9044       Vineyard Haven       E-mail:info@lorraineparish.com
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